Sending Texts Could Make Your Company More Profitable: Vibes Says

by | Volt News

Retailers are on a ceaseless quest to forge stronger connections with their customers, leading them to explore channels where shoppers already dwell. Third-party advertisements—a method that has been gaining traction as companies learn the art of personalization—have seen resurgence beyond email and SMS, entering into entirely new realms such as mobile wallet marketing and the coveted mobile lock screen.

Alex Campbell, co-founder and CIO of Vibes, a platform devoted to mobile engagement, sheds light on this technology in an exclusive interview with PYMNTS. He explains that 97% of text messages are read within three minutes, and unlocking the potential of personalized notifications to the lock screen exponentially increases the likelihood that these communications will be noticed and acted upon. From discounts and product launches to special events, the possibilities for immediate impact are endless. Still, Campbell offers a word of caution: one must exercise careful consideration when crafting the content.

To aid in this effort, Vibes has unveiled Nexus, an AI-powered engine designed to arm its users with invaluable insights derived from its extensive customer base. With this data at their fingertips, retailers can revolutionize their communications strategy with unprecedented precision.

Drawing from his vast expertise, Campbell emphasizes the critical importance of leveraging data to ascertain key insights and tailor marketing strategies accordingly. He recounts the case of a client-focused on new mothers; data revealed that 7:30 p.m., when children are put to bed and parents consider shopping opportunities, was the optimal time for messaging. With such prime real estate as the mobile lock screen up for grabs, companies must carefully consider their messages—urgency and relevancy are paramount.

Campbell suggests striking a balance between frequency and impactful personalization—maybe messaging once a week will be most advantageous. Additionally, utilizing SMS in tandem with mobile wallets can exponentially increase returns; an unnamed Vibes client saw a 26% spike in redemption rates by sending a reminder 48 hours prior to an offer’s expiration. Most importantly, Campbell urges brands to go beyond discounts and remind customers about their loyalty programs, store information, and other offerings that would streamline their overall purchasing journey. Ultimately, the goal should be to provide meaningful value that nurtures customer engagement and satisfaction.

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